Lilas participate in the 8th edition of paper one show

Lilas participates in the 8th edition of the premier international paper exhibition in the MENA region “Paper One Show” which is held at Sharjah in UAE, from February 21 to 23, 2023.
Paper One Show, the premier international paper exhibition in the MENA region since 2007, is dedicated to all kinds of paper and paper manufacturing, paper jumbo rolls, finished products, printing, writing, tissue, and hygienic paper, converters, cartons, paperboard, and more. Paper One Show is one of the premier exhibitions of its kind and attained a well-known reputation both around its region and in the paper industry as well.
Our team would be happy to meet you at Hall 1 Stand B03 and will have pleasure in showing our expertise in the manufacturing of paper but also our innovations in paper-finished products, detergents and hygiene products.