Remarkable presence of SAH Group at the international exhibition Paper One Show 2023

Always with a perspective of development and conquering new markets, the SAH group participated in the international Paper One Show exhibition with its Lilas brand of hygiene and detergent products, and its subsidiary Azur Paper, specializing in the manufacturing of cellulose wadding. Paper One Show is the reference exhibition dedicated to the paper industry. Taking place in Sharjah from February 21 to 23, 2023, the exhibition was an opportunity to meet with various actors in the sector (raw material suppliers, machine suppliers, paper producers, B2B customers...), where the SAH group seized important opportunities for international development. The group distinguished itself with its wide range of products, including wadding rolls, baby hygiene, feminine hygiene, paper hygiene, and detergent products. It was an honor to represent Tunisia at the Paper One Show and affirm the brand's positioning, competitiveness, and ability to export to new markets.